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Generous Giving
What is Generous Giving?
Generous Giving is our giving back to God of His gifts to us. What is important is that we respond to God’s teaching and give some of what He has given us back to Him, to further His Kingdom. Giving is one part of Stewardship.
​Our largest single item is Common Fund which is the payment we make to the Diocese of London. St Saviour’s is responsible for meeting its full costs, and receives no grant aid for its activities from public or Church of England funds. A large part of our income comes through letting our premises but otherwise we largely rely on the regular and generous giving of our church members to support ministry and mission in this parish.
How can you help?
Standing Order
This is the easiest way for you to give. Once set up, a Standing Order means that you know how much you are giving each month and enables St Saviour’s to plan for the future. To set up a Standing Order please click here. If you wish to give by bank transfer then please arrange this with your bank. To find out more, please contact the Parish Office.
Regular Giving Envelopes
We can provide you with envelopes in which to put your regular weekly giving. These are then placed in the collection plate at Mass. This form of giving is particularly appropriate for those who struggle with Standing Orders. To find out more, please contact the Parish Office.
Planning for the Future: Legacy Giving
Could you give a gift to St Saviour’s in your Will? Church Aid is a special scheme where your Will can be drawn up for free by local solicitors Pothecary Witham Weld on the understanding that you also include a gift for the church. To find out more, please contact the Parish Office.
However you decide to give, remember that if you are a UK taxpayer you can increase your gift AT NO EXTRA COST through GiftAid. This means that for every £1 you give the church receives 25 pence more – so in donating £500 St Saviour’s will actually receive £600.