Parish BBQ – our Parish BBQ will take place after Sung Mass on Sunday 15 September, starting around 12:00 pm. We will serve food but please bring your own drinks – tickets are £10 for adults and children are free. Please email/see the Parish Office for a ticket, and an Eventbrite link has been circulated via email (and can be sent again on request).
Autumn Faith Course – begins on Wednesday 25 September and will focus each week on the New Testament gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – and how they compare and contrast. Meetings will be online at 8:00 pm and last about an hour. Please email the Office if you would like to join us – everyone is welcome.
Daily Worship Pattern – our weekday pattern of worship continues this week, with Morning Prayer at 8:30 am, Said Mass at 12:30 pm, and Evening Prayer at 5:30 pm. Each service last roughly 20 minutes, and you can either join in actively, or just listen.
Pimlico Lunchtime Concerts – this Friday 13 September we will hear Yoko Sakakura playing the piano at 1:15 pm. There is no charge but we encourage people to contribute £5 towards covering our costs.
Evensong and Benediction – we will next celebrate Evensong and Benediction at 5:00 pm on Sunday 6 October. Do join us – the service will be followed by drinks.
Growing Disciples – we are growing our ministry with a continuation of Diddy Disciples for older children, focusing on getting a deeper understanding of God, the Bible and their faith through games, discussion and storytelling. Led by Richard Holloway, the sessions will take place on Sundays at 10:30 am in the Parish Office during the service, with children returning in time for the Peace. If you know of families with young children please do encourage them to join us at St Saviour’s as we grow our Church.
Tea & Chatter - every Wednesday between 11:00 am and 12:30 pm. Socialise and meet new people or old friends whilst enjoying a cup of tea and a biscuit. All welcome.
Prayers – if you would like to add a name to the prayer list of the sick and departed, please contact Molly in the Parish Office. Names are read out daily.