Evensong and Benediction – save the date for the first Evensong and Benediction of 2025 which be on Sunday 2 February at 5:00 pm, followed by drinks. This celebrates the beautiful festival of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, also known as Candlemas.
PCC Membership – we are approaching that time of year where we are looking for people who might like to join the PCC. This is a rewarding and enjoyable activity to become part of the governance of St Saviour’s and help run our church. If you are interested in finding out more, please speak to Fr Matthew or the Parish Office.
Weekday Pattern of Worship – a reminder that we have Morning Prayer at 8:30 am, and Said Mass at 12:30 pm, and daily Evening Prayer at 5:30 pm except Friday.
Pimlico Lunchtime Concerts – the new season continues on Friday 17 January. These are free to attend, but a donation towards costs is always very welcome.
Evensong and Benediction – save the date for the first Evensong and Benediction of 2025 which will take place on Sunday 2 February at 5:00 pm, followed by drinks.
Tea & Chatter – meets each Wednesday in the Pimlico Room between 11:00 am and 12:30 pm. Socialise and meet new friends while enjoying tea and coffee.
Birthday Cards – please let the Parish Office know when it is your birthday and we will send you a card from St Saviour’s. All we need is the date, not the year!
Refreshments – after Sung Mass we have refreshments served by a team of wonderful volunteers, but we need more people to help! If you could assist with this by joining in occasionally on a rota, please let us know through the Parish Office.
Newsletter – each Friday we send out an email about what is coming up at St Saviour’s. If you would like to subscribe to our mailing list, email us at
Prayers – if you would like to add a name to the prayer list of the sick and departed, please contact Molly in the Parish Office. Names are read out daily.